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The Committee ensures that ACEC conducts a high-level Engineering Excellence Awards program; recognizes outstanding engineering achievements; and promotes the portrayal of these achievements to the public.

2023-24 Goals

  1. Continue to enhance the overall EEA Competition by evaluating criteria entry requirements as part of the Committees’ process.
  2. Work with the ACEC staff Communications and Advocacy teams to both expand recognition of the Engineering Excellence Awards including use of both traditional and social media to promote the EEA awards and infrastructure advocacy more broadly. These collaborative efforts to promote the EEA Road Show.
  3. Maintain a diverse and prominent panel of judges by securing the prescribed member of 1st year judges.
  4. Encourage a more pro-active approach to MOs to increase participation in the EEA National competition. We will deliver this by working more closely with NAECE.
  5. Work with the ACEC Staff to increase attendance and sponsorship support to the Gala.

Committee Type

Appointed Committee

Committee Roster

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